Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Wow, have I not written since July 8? That's not good. I must become a better blogger. maybe that will be one of my tries--blog every day for a month?

Rowing is going pretty well, I think. Yesterday out on the water was nice--it doesn't hurt that it is insanely hot for Portland lately, and it's much nicer than to gut it out trying to do a 8-ish mile run that involves Mt. Tabor and improper hydration. Do as I say, not as I do, kids.

I've decided I'll do this regatta the first weekend in August. I think we'lll kind of suck but at least we'll have fun. Right? I hope? There seem to be some cool people in the class, I'm not worried about that, but it's more of the "Wow, I hope we don't completely embarrass ourselves."

So I've been thinking about my next try. I'm pretty sure it's going to be having to learn to ride a bike.

We are planning a quick roadtrip to SE Oregon soon, but I can't really use that as one of my tries. I'm not trying anything. I'm just going somewhere. By that end I couldn't use the Japan trip, but the "I'd never been to Asia" element kind of makes up for it. Right?

Also the eating meat thing will probably have to happen.


More soon, after I've thought more about bikes.

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