Sunday, October 11, 2009


I'll make this short (unlike the rest of my entries).

When you're a writer, who writes a lot of things and perhaps spreads herself too thin,'ve spread yourself too thin. As I have.

I'm not ruling out trying 12 new things.

But I am ruling out blogging about them.

I am working on a play.
I am working on a book.
I am working on a story.
I write freelance features.
I write freelance business writing.
I need to work on my website.
I run. A lot.
I Twitter.
I Facebook.

Something has to go. This blog is it.

Coming here to write has become something I kind of dread.

Things you do--hobbies--should be fun. Otherwise why do them?

I am not getting any joy out of this blog. It's become something I dread.

Blogging for me has been largely the "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" philosophy.

People pay for my writing. And I write stuff on my own, for a different audience, depending on what I'm writing. I guess.

And the blogging thing just stretches me too thin. It disallows focus on other things. Not running. but writing. It's one more thing I Have To Do.

And that's not what it should be.

I'm not ruling out starting another blog for now, and I do love this one for its discourse on rowing and biking and being the age I am. It's like a little snapshotty journal.

But--at least for now--I'm out.

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